(( So, I don't know where this should go, so if it's in the wrong place, admins, don't hesitate to move this. ))
So like thirty minutes ago or so, I was going to work on making some Sims. My computer froze up when I was picking my town, so I rebooted it. Except, it popped up an error message; not the BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) luckily, just an error message. I asked my dad about it, he tried something, but it didn't work. He just turned to me and said something along the lines of, "Sorry, I can't really do much, this thing is real old." So basically, I'm computerless right now. I'm hoping that my dad is going to give me a laptop soon, or otherwise I'm stuck on my Kindle; on which I can not do much. I'm just saying that I do apologize for not being able to be on right now, but it's karma, I guess. Since this Kindle is a mobile device, I can not do too much on it. Sorry, guys.
TL;DR: I do not have a computer right now.