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Posts : 5164 Join date : 2014-08-30 Age : 27 Location : Under your bed
Subject: Skyrim Fail Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:59 pm
So, I found a stray dog and it started becoming my follower yada yada, and it was nice and all but IT WOULDN'T STOP BARKING OMG it was just being really annoying so, as the nice person that I am, I decided to try to push the dog off High Hrothgar and this is what happened...
The end result is very... pathetic.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Both videos add up to about 4 minutes but the thing wouldn't upload it so I had to split it :L
(And yes, I was frustrated not being able to push the freakin' dog over the cliff, like omg -.-)
SPOILER: The dog actually didn't die at the end xD He was still standing but yet I died. like, wtf game physics. DOGS CANNOT SURVIVE FALLS THAT HUMANS CAN'T.